Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Three Words. Out of Shape.

near the beginning of October I had this incident where i jumped over a fence to get a soccer ball and my foot got destroyed when I landed. It has been 3.5 months since this happened and it still is bothering me. I haven't been able to run like I normally do and recently I have felt the effects!!

Last Saturday I played in a Church Basketball game and my foot was feeling awesome! I was excited to be able to play. I got in the game and "tried" going full speed. My attempt did not last very long. I came out of the game and pretty much died. I sat down, clutching my chest because my lungs weren't used to breathing like an athlete. After that I decided to take it a little bit easy and the results: My lungs were happy.

This morning I got up and said, "I want to work out." I lifted for a bit and I was fine. Later I decided to go on a bike ride and meet my mom for lunch somewhere... I wasn't so fine. Where i live, there are lots of hills. Up and down. Up and down. The downs were pleasant but the ups were like trying to pin the tail on an invisible donkey... nearly impossible. When I got to Baja Fresh, I realized that was only half the journey. I enjoyed eating with my mother and she suggested I put my bike in the car and drive home. I was happy to accept the offer.

All in all my day was pretty good. It ended up being sunny, which isn't very common during the winter months in Vancouver Washington.


  1. I am sorry for ruining your foot. :(

  2. Well it wasn't your fault a certain girl named Michaela kicked the ball over the fence two minutes before the game!!! haha
