Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Day of Growth. A Day of Sleep. A Day of Confused Cheerleaders.

Today started at 12:00am like it does every day. Except last night i was still awake and at a friends house. Earlier I had said goodbye to some friends that i won't see for a while. I did the same thing at 1:00am when I said goodbye to Chelsea and Bailey Rhodes. It was fun while it lasted.

After I went home and slept, i got up at 8:00am had breakfast, got ready and did a job shadow at Hoffman construction. I got to see everything that a project engineer does in a day. It was amazing seeing how much work and detail is put into buildings. I was impressed with the technology used and many different skills that go into a building.

Next came the time of day that i will be regretting in about an hour or so. . . My long nap. Naps are pretty good normally. This one was great except for the fact that it was almost three hours! I don't have much else to say about my nap because it was pretty uneventful.

Taking down the last of the christmas decorations and putting them under the house while watching the Arkansas v. Ohio State game wasn't very productive. I would get distracted by the game and forget that i needed to be working and then i would get working and forget about the game. In the end it all worked out and i was able to complete both tasks.


I went to watch the end of my former high schools girls basketball game with my little freshman sister. During the game, the ball bounces into the hands of an opposing team's cheerleader. Cheerleaders, being the oblivious little balls of giggles they are, have no clue what to do when this happens. The cheerleader trows the ball in the opposite direction of the ref. The ref kicks her out of the cheerleading area thinking that she threw the ball out of anger! haha she was even more confused then because she probably had no idea who the man in the striped uniform even was that kicked her out. On the verge of tears, she goes and sits next to her coach and watches her fellow cheerleaders cheer their team on to a disappointing loss to Skyview. :)

Well, thats all folks. Good night.

Dallin Shirley Photograph of the day:


  1. Haha that is priceless man. That is just too funny. Ohhh myyy goodness....

  2. I can't tell if you are being sarcastic because you repeated the same thing three times... :) it was pretty funny though. haha
